Your Breath Stinks Vol. 4 Out Now

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YBS #4 is out now! Tons of great new music from a bunch of unique sounding bands. Download it for free off our bandcamp. 50% of donations we receive will go towards the Best Friends Animal Society. It’s a non-profit animal welfare organization. The other 50% of bandcamp donations we get helps put a (small) dent in the cost of making physical copies.

A few CHK releases are on the horizon, one being a full length for a NH based melodic punk band called Secret Spirit. God damn they are so good. FFO: Lifetime, Shook Ones, The Fad. I’m excited to not put out a math-rock record because I still listen to ska/punk a lot and high energy music is important to me. But don’t worry all you geeks we still got some sick math rock shit on deck.

Anyway, download the comp, subscribe to the podcast, buy merch, let me print your merch, whatever I don’t care just be a good person ok?