It's Summertime Baby

We're back!  Took a break from doing label stuff (although I never take a break from doing mailorder) to book the In Angles tour and wrap up our EP.  Also I had some health issues that kinda put a hinder on shit, but I'm dusting off the cobwebs and getting back in the swing of things.

Besides the tour we've got other things happenin'.  Jackets and Inserts for Invalids' Fulfillment EP have arrived, I'm just waiting on the actual records.   As long as they arrive before 7/22 I will be able to ship them out before I leave for tour.  It's a race against time.

We just got these dad hats made up, which you can pick up in our webstore.

Dad Caps Back.jpg

Besides that we'll have some new merch designs in September, another record pressing of a great band, a new compilation CD, and one other super secret thing that I can't tell you about yet.

I'll be bringing my podcast gear on tour and plan on getting back into that this Summer as well.  Trying to figure out how to balance all this shit out haha.

Thanks for hangin, follow me on twitter where I will single handedly take down Papa John through a barrage of tweets and witty insults: @chokeartistnj.  

March Update:

I'm back!  An update!  Few things:
Pre-Orders for the new Sick Shit 7" are up.  Here's what they look like:  


The album will be up for full stream tomorrow.  Follow me on IG I'll post it there.
In addition, we got some sick new merch.  

chk pin.jpg

Podcasts are still going up on a weekly basis!  It's awesome talking to people from all over about BEING PUNK AND SHIT.  Hahaha no seriously though it's fun.

Lastly, we've begun screen printing shirts.  I added a tab at the top of the site about it, if you need one color shirts printed up for cheap click the tab and get in touch with us.

Next endeavor is bringing the Invalids Fulfillment EP to vinyl!  It's almost done.  Also Summer sounds like a good time for a "Your Breath Stinks, Vol. 4" (download #3 for free here).  

Thanks for reading this section of the site.  First 2 people to email with the subject "Great Reader" will get some free merch.  It's like a fun scavenger hunt, wow!




Damn, it's been a while.  Thanks for popping by.  I'm on Winter Break (I'm 12) so I've been able to catch up on some things.  Here are all the updates:

-I'm back to doing podcasts!  Once a week I speak to someone who is involved in DIY/playing or creating art.  It's always fun to hang out with new people and get their perspectives.  You can listen and subscribe on iTunes.  I've got a ton in the cannon, they're posted weekly.

-We released two LPs.  That's right, since I last updated this we put out two records.  Behind Every Great Man by the Buttress and Drown to You by A.M. Overcast.  Here's what they look like:


Both are available on our webstore.  

-Beanies are back in stock in our webstore.  It's cold out.
-I revamped some of our website a bit.  Check out the roster page, it has little write ups for the artists we've worked with recently, and bandcamp players.  Woo!
-Papa John is no longer the CEO of Papa John's Pizza.  

We're sending a few more things out to press soon.  So just keep in touch, okay?

It's August Now

Wow it's August now!  Time really does fly.  I hope you've been enjoying your summer.  

I've been on the road with Invalids (playing drums) for the past few days.  After August we are going to lay low and finish up recording an album, which will be put out on Choke Artist.  I think it's corny to say "Choke Artist Records", doesn't that kind of sound dumb?  Idk dude I'm just trying to to make cool stuff and help people make cool stuff.  

There are some other Choke Artist releases coming out within the two months.  Both are records that I like a lot.  I'll post a video of a test press being played on Instagram so check it out if you want a tasty sneak peak.  Looking to put out 4 more things this year onto vinyl and it ain't cheap so hit that webstore if you wanna support us and make it less scary when we do releases!  

Also thanks to everyone who has supported us up until this point!  People have said nice things about the compilation and the label in general and that's cool to hear.

Check back here in two weeks cause I'll be putting OG Choke Artist snapback hats in the webstore and announcing a pre-order.  Thanks


An Update!

Wow!  An update!  
Sorry for the lack of updates on this thing.  Hopefully you keep up with Choke Artist on instagram (@chokeartistnj) or facebook or something.  

If you're reading this hopefully you heard our latest compilation "Your Breath Stinks Vol. 3".  50% of the money donated to the bandcamp is being donated to the NJ Battered Women's Service.  So far about $50 has been donated, so thanks if you donated!  Also recently we donated $100 to the ACLU from sales of our Stupid Cop Shirt.

Besides that, life has been cool.  Invalids is going on tour in a few weeks, we are putting out some more records out in a couple of months, and we're gonna have classic Choke Artist baseball caps back in stock for the 4 people that have been asking me for the past two years!!!

Going to try to do biweekly updates on this thing and more regular updates on our social media.  
Looking to do some more music reviews/show reviews.  If you're interested in contributing for this site send me an email and we'll chat

That's it for now, stay cool and enjoy your summer B-).

December 6: Update

Art by Corey Humphrey

Art by Corey Humphrey

Hey!  Thanks for checking out what we do.  Some updates...

Podcasting has been going down bi-weekly with success!  They are hella fun to do and it's cool to get some different perspectives in the mix.  The last two got automatically cleared from my hard drive (sorry to Basement Beers and Floral, we shall chat again soon :/).  

We are releasing three more LPs within the next few months, once we get a little closer we'll make more officially posts about em.  Some really cool music coming out for the first time on wax though.

Choke Artist compilation #3:  "Your Breath Stinks Vol. 3" is in process.  We've been doing this weird bedroom art/label thing for four years and it's cool to see everything we've accomplished in between all the compilation releases.  Each one is like a new bookmark in a book filled with diarrhea.  This year was cool but 2017 is shaping up to be even cooler.  Here is a link to our last compilation, it's out of physical print but is up for free download.  Download


Bitch'n'Dudes - Live at Champ's House

Las Vegas dirty-ska punkers Bitch'n'Dudes stopped by Champ's house to do a session in the basement!  This band is not only sick but it turns out they are awesome people too.  TBOTW got a chance to play with them at The Meatlocker and they ended up hangin' with us a few days in NJ.  

They were on the road for SIX MONTHS.  I think they are back on tour again actually?  I have no fucking idea, but you should definitely see this band if they are ever in your hometown.  

We ended up doing a podcast w this gang when they stayed over.  That should be up sometimes next week so check it out! 
